速報APP / 財經 / money saving goals - FAQ & Tips

money saving goals - FAQ & Tips





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



money saving goals - FAQ & Tips(圖1)-速報App

Application with didactic purposes that contains a list of articles with the options of offline mode, reading mode, text to speech, bookmark of favorites, reading history and search engine.

In the application you will find articles such as:

* Saving Money Tips

* Keys to Saving for Your Goals Successfully

* Other savings goals: A house, a wedding, a car

money saving goals - FAQ & Tips(圖2)-速報App

* Savings Goals for Ages 15, 25, 35, 50

* 10 Basic Steps to Reach Your Financial Goals

* 5 Tricks to Successfully Juggling Multiple Savings Goals

and much more! (+ 50 Articles)

Keys to Saving for Your Goals Successfully

money saving goals - FAQ & Tips(圖3)-速報App

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